She turns 12 years old today.
She has been with me forever. First in my heart, then in my belly, and now by my side.
Dear Shorty,
Of all my many blessings, you are the best.
When you were a baby, I used to stare at the bottoms of your feet- how lineless they were, how marvelously smooth…waiting for your life history to etch in the lines, one small stroke at a time. I hope each line forms as you run to the ones you love, to joy and happiness, and to a deep and still peace. I hope you live in rooms full of light.
You da bomb.
Cal knows about this blog, and sometimes, she asks to read it. I’m going to let her read this post. If you’d like to leave a note for her, I bet it would thrill her to bits. I’ll be sure to let her know as each new note comes in.
image courtesy of Bonnie Tsang