Monday Dare: you’re invited

Every Monday, I’m picking from the List of Things to Do, Place to Go, Possible Acts that Help, and Possible Fun to Have. It’s a list I made before The Projectstarted, and I’m still adding to it. If you have suggestions, please feel free to throw them my way. I’m calling the list myMonday Dares, as I get overwhelmed just looking at the words “challenge” or “goal.”

This week: Plan a party.

I’m having a party. You’re invited.

Okay, that’s an overstatement. What I meant to say is: I’m thinking about having a party. And if it happens, you’re totally invited.

I don’t want to make you feel bad about yourself, but I’ve had some pretty amazing birthdays. When I was 10, I threw an over-the-top pink ballerina party to celebrate the big 1-0. I invited all 33 kids in my class and 10 kids from church. My brother and I even swapped out the plain masking tape holding my glasses together for some fancy-schmancy Hello Kitty tape.

I crimped my hair, threw on some pink scrunch socks, and busied myself by re-checking all 43 party favor bags. Everyone was going to walk away from my party with pink slap bracelets AND a tape of Mariah Carey’s single, “Vision of Love.” What can I say? I’m an amazing hostess.

Underneath the excitement, I was a little worried. How was my house going to hold all 43 kids? Maybe news of the party had spread to other classes, and I was going to have to turn away party crashers. What if kids got into a fight trying to sit next to the Birthday Girl?

Two kids showed up. I returned 41 unneeded Mariah Carey tapes to the store the next day.

In the past 20 years, I’ve had one other birthday party. I celebrated my Sweet 16 at Olive Garden with a small group of school friends. Free breadsticks and salad make any party crunktastic.

As I got older, I convinced myself that I wasn’t throwing birthday parties because I didn’t want to be so selfish and make a big to-do. Really though, I think I was just nervous.

I’m ready to try this again. My Year of No Shopping ends on my birthday this year- September 1st. I’m thinking of doing a “Fuck yeah, I made it through this year!” celebration along with a birthday party.

And since you’ve been holding my hand this whole year, you’re invited.

So, I need your thoughts. Should I have a party at all? Any elements you think might make it gangsta’? How should I do this? And where?

Or, you can just tell me about the best party you’ve ever hosted or attended.
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