Archives for November 2010

Monday Dare: a penny saved is a penny….say what?!

Every Monday, I’m picking from the List of Things to Try, Places to Go, Possible Acts that Help and Possible Fun to Have. It’s a list I made before The Projectstarted and I’m still adding to it. If you have suggestions, please, feel free to throw them my way. I’m calling the list my Monday Dares, as I get overwhelmed just looking at the words “challenge” or “goal.”

This week: I will revise Lizanomics and make it work. Then petition a small country to adopt it.

Remember when I saved $45 in one week by using coupons, then I bought a $300 pair of shoes as a reward? Hark! Lizanomics was born!

Lizanomics [liz-uhnom-iks] -noun

the financial applications of a delusional grown-up rooted in the belief that saving a penny merits a purchase of up to and possibly greater than one hundred dollars

With just a short and manageable 42 weeks and 2 days left on The Project (hey, it’s all the way you look at it, folks), I’m spending the week sifting through my Lizanomics rules to see what can stay and what must go.

So far I’ve sorted out:

  • DUMP: Subscribe to every possible retail email, membership program and newsletter to stay abreast of sales, promotions and new merchandise notifications. This shit is dangerous.
  • DUMP: Buy an item because it’s on sale. “I’ve never owned orange pants before and it’s already 70% off!” and “I’m buying these baby clothes because I might get knocked up again!” are never good reasons. Put that shit back.
  • DUMP: Buy an item “just in case.” You don’t need that back-up ball gown unless you’re a fairy princess and your main mode of transportation is a unicorn. 
  • KEEP: There is nothing in this pile so far. I am shocked.
  • KEEP: I take that back. I make special exceptions for Tim Holtz products. Because I love him.

Dare I ask…do you have your own rules for spending and “saving.” Do share!
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y’all, Jesus did this

Telling nothing but the truth is exhausting and tedious. There is a strong chance that I have three less friends today than I did on Monday. This week, I was planning to chronicle each day’s adventures in a detailed post. I enjoy sharing the pain. It’s the giver in me. That didn’t happen. Unfortunately, an issue completely overshadowed my glorious experiment.

The issue: Jesus.

By Tuesday, I was ready to quit. I called Harv to get a little support and to tell him that no matter what, I was sticking it out for the rest of the week.

Me: I think Jesus is mad at me.

Harv: Jesus?

Me: He planted this idea in my head to teach me a lesson. It’s backfiring.

Harv: What does Jesus have to do with anything?

(Men are so dense.)

Me: Jesus told the truth. Now, I’m telling the truth. Hello?! Totally connected.

Harv: Are you going to talk about this on your blog? I don’t think it’s a good idea to talk about Jesus. Religion is a sensitive issue.

Me: Religion? I’m just talking about Jesus trying to teach me a lesson. How do those two things relate at all??

He stayed silent for a minute. I think he realized that I was right. I can’t help being right all the time. I feel bad. I should let Harv win sometimes.

Every day, right as I was about to recount my Jesus-inspired misadventures in truth-telling, Harv rolled his eyes. He said he was being socially conscious. I think he was just being a know-it-all. I got waylaid by Jesus Harv and it really took the glory away from all that tiresome honesty.
Truth-telling: I don’t recommend it. Lie, people, lie.
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